In this notebook we use linear regression to predict the coefficients corresponding to the top eigenvectors of the measurements:
These 9 variables are the output variables that we aim to predict.
The 4 input variables we use for the regression are properties of the location of the station:
In [65]:
import pickle
import pandas as pd
!ls *.pickle # check
In [66]:
!curl -o "stations_projections.pickle" ""
In [67]:
data = pickle.load(open("stations_projections.pickle",'r'))
In [68]:
In [69]:
# break up the lists of coefficients separate columns
for col in [u'TAVG_coeff', u'TRANGE_coeff', u'SNWD_coeff']:
for i in range(3):
data[new_col]=[e[i] for e in list(data[col])]
print data.columns
In [70]:
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
Computed by calling the method LinearRegression.score()
The regression score comes under several names: "Coefficient of determination", $R^2$, "R squared score", "percentage of variance explained", "correlation coefficient". It is explained in more detail in wikipedia.
Roughly speaking the $R^2$-score measures the fraction of the variance of the regression output variable that is explained by the prediction function. The score varies between 0 and 1. A score of 1 means that the regression function perfectly predicts the value of $y$. A score of 0 means that it does not predict $y$ at all.
Suppose we fit a regression function with 10 features to 10 data points. We are very likely to fit the data perfectly and get a score of 1. However, this does not mean that our model truly explains the data. It just means that the number of training examples we are using to fit the model is too small. To detect this situation, we can compute the score of the model that was fit to the training set, on a test set. If the ratio between the test score and the training score is smaller than, say, 0.1, then our regression function probably over-fits the data.
The fact that a regression coefficient is far from zero provides some indication that it is important. However, the size of these coefficients also depends on the scaling of the variables. A much more reliable way to find out which of the input variables are important is to compare the score of the regression function we get when using all of the input variables to the score when one of the variables is eliminated. This is sometimes called "sensitivity analysis"
In [86]:
# Compute score changes
def compute_scores(y_label,X_Train,y_Train,X_test,Y_test):
lg = LinearRegression(),y_Train)
train_score = lg.score(X_Train,y_Train)
test_score = lg.score(X_test,Y_test)
print('R-squared(Coeff. of determination): Train:%.3f, Test:%.3f, Ratio:%.3f\n' % (train_score,test_score,(test_score/train_score)))
full=set(range(X_Train.shape[1])) #col index list
for i in range(X_Train.shape[1]):
L=list(full.difference(set([i]))) # fill in
lg = LinearRegression(),y_Train)
r_train_score = lg.score(r_train_X,y_Train)
r_test_score = lg.score(r_test_X,Y_test)
print "removed",data.columns[i],
print "Score decrease: \tTrain:%5.3f" % (train_score-r_train_score),
print "\tTest: %5.3f " % (test_score-r_test_score)
In [ ]:
In [87]:
from numpy.random import rand
train_i = rand(N)>0.5
Train = data.ix[train_i,:]
Test = data.ix[~train_i,:]
print data.shape,Train.shape,Test.shape
In [88]:
print Train.ix[:,:4].head()
In [98]:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
def plot_regressions(X_test, y_test, clf):
print X_test.shape
print y_test.shape
plt.scatter(X_test, y_test, color='black')
plt.plot(X_test, clf.predict(X_test), color='blue',linewidth=3)
In [102]:
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
train_X = Train.ix[:,:4].values
for target in ["TAVG","TRANGE","SNWD"]:
for j in range(1,4):
y_label = target+"_coeff"+str(j)
train_y = Train[y_label]
test_y = Test[y_label]
lg = LinearRegression(),train_y)
print "\nTarget variable: ", y_label, '#'*40
print "Coeffs: ",\
' '.join(['%s:%5.2f ' % (input_names[i],lg.coef_[i]) for i in range(len(lg.coef_))])
compute_scores(y_label, train_X, train_y, test_X, test_y)
When we find a statistically significant coefficient, we want to find a rational explanation for the significance and for the sign of the corresponding coefficient. Please write a one line explanation for each of the following nine input/output pairs (the ones that are numbered).
Target variable: TAVG_coeff1 ########################################
Coeffs: latitude:-153.98 longitude:-19.21 elevation:-0.68 dist_coast:-0.13
R-squared(Coeff. of determination): Train:0.931, Test:0.931
1. removed latitude Score decrease: Train:0.613 Test: 0.612
* Removing the latitute had the largest effect on the accuracy of the prediction of TAVG_coeff1. That is because it is a very strongly negative weight relative to the other coefficeints, therefore it is an important feature.
2. removed elevation Score decrease: Train:0.128 Test: 0.121
* This feature of TAVG is highely dependent on elevation.
Target variable: TAVG_coeff2 ########################################
Coeffs: latitude:-5.33 longitude: 7.46 elevation:-0.14 dist_coast: 0.48
R-squared(Coeff. of determination): Train:0.603, Test:0.585
3. removed longitude Score decrease: Train:0.115 Test: 0.116
4. removed dist_coast Score decrease: Train:0.393 Test: 0.378
Target variable: TAVG_coeff3 ########################################
Coeffs: latitude:-4.19 longitude:-2.64 elevation: 0.01 dist_coast: 0.07
R-squared(Coeff. of determination): Train:0.420, Test:0.398
5. removed longitude Score decrease: Train:0.148 Test: 0.164
6. removed dist_coast Score decrease: Train:0.095 Test: 0.082
Target variable: TRANGE_coeff1 ########################################
Coeffs: latitude:25.00 longitude: 8.63 elevation:-0.36 dist_coast:-0.15
R-squared(Coeff. of determination): Train:0.478, Test:0.435
7. removed elevation Score decrease: Train:0.127 Test: 0.113
Target variable: TRANGE_coeff2 ########################################
Coeffs: latitude:-32.63 longitude: 6.04 elevation:-0.02 dist_coast: 0.14
R-squared(Coeff. of determination): Train:0.649, Test:0.642
8. removed latitude Score decrease: Train:0.461 Test: 0.454
Target variable: SNWD_coeff1 ########################################
Coeffs: latitude:147.72 longitude:21.54 elevation: 1.09 dist_coast:-0.88
R-squared(Coeff. of determination): Train:0.232, Test:0.238
9. removed latitude Score decrease: Train:0.153 Test: 0.155
Consult the plots of the eigen-vectors. SNWD
is available in an earlier notebook.
The statistics for TRANGE and TAVG is in the file
For each of the following eigen-vectors, give a short verbal description
Once you have given a meaning to each of these eigen-vectors, explain the relation to the input variable. Short explanations are better than long ones.